
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
19th July 2019
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe Wind Direction: SSW Wind Stength: 12/20 Surf / Sea State: lumpy mess Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: cloudy with rain:(. Max Speed: 25.21 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 24.93 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Friday 19th – Windsurf *** The Dip, Felixstowe – cloudy with rain:(.
Fin – 25.21 knot max., 23.46 knot ave., 14.51 knot hour, 18.82 knot mile,
46.20 km., 16.70 knot alpha.
F2 Zantos 295 with 39 fin and Tushingham Lightning 7.8.
I don’t suppose I should complain as this is my 8th windsurfing session
in July when if have had little decent wind apart from the opening day of
the month at Wrabness but it has included a few foiling sessions in very
light wind when nothing much was learnt! Still things looked promising for
today despite being cloudy with showers and with out son and partner moving
into their first house I didn’t want to travel far so it was The Dip. The
SSW wind started to build so I headed to the beach after doing my exercises
in the garden at about eleven. Neil and Craig Hurrell were there with
Swainy rigging his foiling kit, rather him than me as the sea looked lumpy
with the wind increasing. We were entertained for ten minutes as Mark
headed out with 7m on his foil and seems to know the same ways to fall in
as me nut to be fair Felixstowe is not the ideal foiling spot especially
for learners not helped by it being high water. Mark said he had enough to
fin with the 7m so we started to rig, Neil 8m, Craig 7.2 and me 7.8 on the
Zantos 295. Felixstowe at high water is never ideal and today was no
exception as the sea was just awful, a right lumpy mess and wind with tide
didn’t help either! Still I made the most of it and went for my usual
hour, in the end I did nearly two, ten runs out past the red and white
bouy! The wind was a bit up and down too full on at times for 7.8 and under
at times, it was good buzzing past the yachts leaving the River Deben in a
very bumpy sea! Going fast was next to impossible was you had to sail
through the rough water by the red bouys and the further out you went the
more tide there was and the less the wind became! It was time to head back
to the beach for a snack and the highlight of the day, one of Craig
Hurrells rock cakes, very yummy it was too:) Several more sailors had
arrived too as I decided to have another go but the last hour was pretty
gim with the wind very up and down, I had a little problem as I went in out
to sea and had trouble water starting as the wind disappeared! I managed to
uphaul and ended up on a small island in the river mouth spotting a seal on
the way, with the wind filling in again I managed to get back. I then
headed out to the red and white bouy and again the wind went light, I
managed to turn but noticed Mark Smalling struggling to water start. I got
back on the beach and several of us were keeping an eye on Mark as he
drifted towards Bawdsey beach. After talking about at what point we should
ring the lifeboat, Mark got up and managed to wobble back to kite beach as
Craig Hurrell sailed out to help on a longboard. Neil, Chris Stephens and
Swainy started to walk down the prom to help Mark Smalling with the walk of
shame as I returned to my van for the camera to record the event:) Mark
Smalling decided to sail back as the wind was up as we all walked back. I
decided it was time to pack up and head for home. I can’t face another
bumpy session at Felixstowe tomorrow so might head to the Stour and try and
get flying on the foil with the weather being a little better hopefully.
At home it is exciting times as our son Daniel and his partner Jay are
moving into their first house. After a bit of trouble getting the key, we
headed over to the house at 7.30 with two car loads of their stuff. It is a
lovely little property and perfect for them and their many pets:)
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